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A Solution For Every Need

lead generation
ClientCurve Solution

B2B Contact Generation

The biggest hurdle faced by companies set-out to achieve the desired results for their projected campaign is “Right List Building” with “Right B2B Contact” and how to accumulate the data that is going to be used by either marketing team or by inside-sales teams. Challenges faced by list building teams are different from the one faced by the marketing or inside sales team.

Getting required volumes of data, filtering it to the selected target group, and validating the authenticity of the collected data becomes a challenge to the list building teams. To overcome these challenges ClientCurve has a separate team where the sole focus of the team is to keep on loading stacks of data, clean data, which can then be filtered out on specific target/category/domain.

"You can be rest assured ClientCurve presents the data that is ready for use."

Considering the intense competitive market environment its fair to say that every second lost counts a deal lost and with expert service available on hand, it is expensive to be planning it in-house.

"Create your B2B Contact list with us"

"Every 3 months 25% of your contact database becomes Outdated"

B2B Contact Generation

What we do ?

Research : Develop an Account Based Outreach Program to gather the best information.

Analyze : Analyze the research that deliver quality leads to meet your aggressive sales goals.

Grow : Establish a sales process that grow your pipeline with qualified prospects.

Success : Provide you amplified information to ensure you gain competitive edge in the long run.

How can we help you ?

  • How you get the volumes of B2B Contact Data that is required.
  • How to filter the B2B Contact Data to arrive at the select target companies.
  • Validate the authenticity of the B2B contact Data you have in-house.

Lead Generation

Lead Generation

We SETUP, you CLOSE and let’s REPEAT - Increase Sales funnel

PURSUE YOUR DREAM- Will handle your Leads

Winning new customers are not easy as they are more selective, more social, and more connected. Our main aim is to attract new eyes to the business and there by turning them to the paying customers.

Breakthrough with SAAS : Lead Generation + Lead Development + Close Risk = Fastest to Market, Fastest to Profit .

ClientCurve with our 'Sales as Service Offering', helps you capitalize on qualified opportunities, build and maintain pipeline commencing from a contact to closure. Here we provide Sales capabilities as a service.

ClientCurve’s Lead Generators helps in reducing redundant sales cycles by way of providing the field sales team with a prospective client whose requirement has been well-understood and an appropriate product or service being presented. This condenses the sales cycle by minimum 2 to 3 tracks. Lead generation process is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

We can get to the broadest conceivable network of professionals, and target them with precision. Our lead generation services help you draw in important prospects that generally could have stayed distant.

“Our Lead Generators helps to bring as many potential customers as possible to your front door.”

How ClientCurve can help you to answer?

  • Deploy best in class Lead Generation professionals
  • Identify market segment, engage leads, and qualify them
  • Increase penetration into new markets and increase lead funnel
  • Become support team for your organization’s sales team so that they can close more sales
  • Reduce your lead acquiring cost by 40%

Account Based Marketing

We turn your browsers into your customers – Higher ROI

It’s a Market of one. Unlike B2B Marketing where a fair amount of effort is being frittered away in chasing multiple clients by marketing campaigns.

Account Based Marketing is a highly focused marketing strategy in which marketers focus their resources efficiently and run marketing programs that are specifically optimized for target accounts and focused interaction is being laser-focused on a solitary prospect.

It’s a data driven marketing where we focus on the targeted account and run customized campaign which shortens the overall sales cycle.

The personalized campaign makes a stellar impact on the prospect and also makes higher ROI than other marketing strategies.

Account Based Marketing

What we do ?

Pick Target Accounts : Pick the target accounts you want to go after and choose the right department.

Account Intelligence : Understanding challenges, opportunities and solutions you can pitch.

Promote Content : Create content that is relevant to your target audience.

Convert : Conversion is the last stage, However targeted leads with ABM takes 3-6 months.

Marketing Automation

Digital Marketing as a buzzword as well as a way of doing business has stormed the business environment in recent times. “Going Digital” gains its strength when it is optimally balanced with deployment of human agents in a person-to-person communication; therein lies the ‘heart-and-the-soul’ of a business entity.

We at ClientCurve specialize in customized engagement which helps in connecting with the right person at the right time and the right place and in the right manner. This approach helps you, our esteemed client, focus on your marketing priorities and strategize your marketing campaigns. At ClientCurve, with our unblemished track-record and many ‘wow moments’ partnering with our many clients across industry verticals, our investment in marketing automation with a slew of AI tools and learnings over a period of 10+ years will help us to leverage and bring those benefits to you in the form of highly qualifies leads. We let you focus on closing sales to bring in those new areas of revenue, while let ClientCurve handle the heavy-lifting in reaching out to your intended audience and closing more qualified leads.

Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation

Marketing is not just about monitoring few channels, but it’s all about customized engagement to right person at right time and right place.

We know the success plan and will let your dreams set sail!

"Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in 6-9 months" – Gartner Research.

How can we help?

  • Are you looking to keep your marketing department small but produce big results?
  • Get your marketing strategy and messaging right
  • Let us save your time by providing Advice, Best Practices, Templates, Data Append and Support

Customer Success

Customer success is aimed to maintain relationship between a customer and its vendor. The main goal of customer success is to ensure the customer flourish, which in turn boosts Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) for the company.
Customer Success Management is all about delivering measurable outcomes over and over again all through the lifecycle of the customer.

Customer Success is a long term and proactive approach. It is responsible for revenue-center focused on growth opportunities. And it’s a cross team effort between Sales, Support, Service and Product. Customer Success translates in to payback with enhanced customer experience, quicker product adoption, opportunities to up-sell and cross-sell. Success Metrics – Retention Customers, Customer lifetime value (CLTV), Product usage, Customer Health and Revenue

Clientcurve Customer Success

Customer Support

Customer Support is a tool set that is utilised to ensure a customer’s satisfaction with a brand. This tool set helps to resolve a customer’s ad hoc challenges, questions and concerns relating to a product or service.

It is a critical component of a brand’s Customer Relationship Management playbook to foster a high Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) rating.

At ClientCurve, we provide Customer Support through channels such as Chat, Phone calls, Emails and Technical support. Customer Support is a tool set that is utilised to ensure a customer’s satisfaction with a brand. This tool set helps to resolve a customer’s ad hoc challenges, questions and concerns relating to a product or service.

Clientcurve Customer Support